miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Maya Angelou Reaction

 {"Did you want to see me broken?" Well, that is just too bad.}
     This is a woman with a natural talent and a genuine sense of honesty. Someone who knows who she is and where she has come from. Although she cannot see the future and know where she will go, her truthful and beautiful words pave her road of life. This road is filled with difficult obstacles and critiques but because it is built with honesty it is clear it will only lead to good. It is like she said "But just like life, I rise." We are bound to have our ups and downs throughout life but our good intentions, actions and sincerity will be rewarded with an eternal "Up"; an eternity of peace.

Phenomenal Woman
     Some would call it pride, other would call it selfishness and some could even think it is purely lies. Others, less ignorant perhaps, would know it is pride, it is self-esteem, the true one, how it is supposed to be. It is exactly how we should all see ourselves, not just women, but all humankind. It is not about how fashionable we are, if we have the "hottest" hair cut or how ridiculously skinny we are. The only thing that really matters and can give us this true confidence is respect. Respect for ourselves and of course love ourselves for who we are. Unless we love the person that we are and respect it we will never be able to love another human being entirely. This will not only hurt us, it will hurt the person you are trying to love, pushing yourself to love. In order to be happy and not make another suffer we must be clear on who we are. It is important to know what our best and worst qualities are, embrace them and like ourselves knowing this truth.

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