domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

To go or not to college.

     "So, you do not want to go to college? You are not sure?" "It is hard!" he told me. I smiled and shook my head. He told me he enjoyed high school. He had fun, friends and easy-to-get-through courses. It could be a convincing argument, but not for me. For me it is just a mediocre excuse and excuses are always the easy way out. College is not easy that does not make it impossible. In my opinion anyone who puts their mind to it can do it and gain a lot of knowledge in the way.

     This kid was basically telling me that he did not want to grow up. He just wanted to keep on being that same irresponsible and innocent kid he had always been. He liked himself that way and so did his friends. The question is waht would happen to him when all his friends were growing up and getting jobs. The sad truth is that he would probably find new friends, some as irresponsible and innocent as him who also would like to stay this way. Mediocre people who like bringing others down with them. "If this is the case two things can happen: one the leave you behind because they also grow up or they pull you down with them." I told him this and he remained silent.

     Finally, I told him "You will meet new people who will like you for who you are now and also who you will be in the future". An intelectual, an open minded young man, a thinker. "This is what you will be after you recieve a higher level of education." "The knowledge you will acquire will not only give you a job, it will provide you a better social life, a new way of thinking, more indepente." By this time he was nodding in approval but I could tell he was not entirely convinced. It got me thinking until I said: "Hey, did you know there are three out of every one guy in the UPR at Cayey?", to which he answered: "I am in!"

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